Registration fees include attendance at the sessions and tutorials, a copy of the proceedings, coffee breaks and lunches.

Registration Fees:



July 6th

July 7th –

July 17th

On site


550 €

600 €

650 €

Senior IEEE or EURASIP members

490 €

550 €

600 €


450 €

500 €

550 €

Student IEEE or EURASIP members

400 €

450 €

500 €

Accompanying Person

300 €

350 €

400 €

Charge for extra paper

250 €

250 €

250 €

Charge for extra page

50 €

50 €

50 €

Registration steps:

  • 2. Registration fees should be paid by Bank transfer to the conference Bank account:bank-transfer-ipta15.pdf
    Payment by "Bon de Commande/Order Form" is possible to "Université d'Orléans, France". Authors need to indicate the transfer reason (IPTA 2015, Paper ID, Author Name [Example: IPTA 2015, P200, Isaac Newton])
  • 4. Please send a scanned copy (Registration form, Bank transfer/bon de commande/order form proof and the IEEE Copyright-Form) by e-mail to Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. (Receipts will be provided at the conference).

IMPORTANT remarks:

  • Authors of accepted papers must register by July 6th, 2015, to have their papers included in the Conference proceedings and indexed by IEEE Xplore.
  • For IEEE and EURASIP Members and Students, please provide a proof of membership or student status.
  • For same author, required charge for each extra paper : 250€
  • Charge per extra page: 50€