Accepted proposed Special Sessions for IPTA 2015


1) Defuzzification: When discrete geometry meets fuzzy geometry

More information: click here
    • Adélaïde Albouy
    • Manuel Grand-Brochier
    • Antoine Vacavant


2) Cultural Heritage and Image Processing

More information: click here
    • Aladine Chetouani
    • David Picard
    • Olivier Rozenbaum


3) Perceptually Driven Visual Information Analysis

More information: click here
  • Chaker Larabi
  • Mohammed El Hassouni
  • Frédéric Morain-Nicolier


4) Medical Image Analysis and Communication

More information: click here
  • Jean-Marie Moureaux
  • Khalifa Djemal
  • William Puech

Submit a Special Session for IPTA 2015

For the fifth International Conference on Image Processing Tools, Theory and Applications (IPTA) being held in Orléans, France, between November 10 and 13, 2015, we are looking for scientists desiring to organize Special Sessions on critical and emerging topics in image processing. Each Special Session is expected to count between 4 and 8 invited speakers. Presentations will be oral.

In advance of the meeting, invited contributors are required to submit their papers for inclusion in the proceedings (which will undergo normal peer review).

If you are interested, please submit a proposal to Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. using the following template:

Special Session Proposals should be submitted as soon as possible, but no later than April, 20th, 2015.

Special sessions participants are encouraged to submit their papers for inclusion in the proceedings. They will get full review (with the possibility of being rejected).