Cultural Heritage and Image Processing


Invited Speaker: Prof. Robert G. Erdmann

New Strategies for Interactive Web-based Visualization of Cultural Heritage Imagery


Abstract: Modern digital photography and scientific imaging provide unparalleled opportunities for art historians, conservators, scientists, and the general public to better understand, appreciate, and preserve our cultural heritage.  However, the imagery for a single object is often drawn from several sources and captured from several viewpoints, resulting in data sets sometimes exceeding tens or hundreds of gigabytes for a single object.  These large data sets can be very difficult to visualize using traditional techniques, so their utility and accessibility are severely limited.
Several new interactive web-based technologies developed at the Rijksmuseum and for the Bosch Research and Conservation Project aim to help solve this problem.  Data is fused through co-registration across imaging modalities and viewpoints, after which additional image processing can be used to perform additional tasks such as virtual repairs, anomaly detection, and microstructural analysis.  The resulting generated data and registered imagery can then be explored using a variety of novel visualization strategies, each carefully designed to facilitate comparisons across scales, viewpoints, and wavelengths.  By utilizing open and standard web technologies, the viewers work across different browsers and devices, from mobile phones to dedicated desktop servers.  Sculptures and paintings from the Rijksmuseum provide motivation for the new techniques, including the newly-acquired Bacchant sculpture by Adriaen de Vries, Rembrandt's "The Jewish Bride", and works by Vermeer.
Biography:Prior to earning his Ph.D. from the University of Arizona in 2006,  Robert Erdmann started a science and engineering software company and worked extensively on solidification and multiscale transport modeling at Sandia National Laboratories. He subsequently joined the faculty at the University of Arizona in the Program in Applied Mathematics and the Department of Materials Science and Engineering as Assistant Professor and then Associate Professor, where he worked on multiscale material process modeling and image processing for cultural heritage.  In 2014, he moved to Amsterdam to focus full-time on combining materials science and computer science to help the world access, understand, and preserve its cultural heritage.  He is currently Senior Scientist at the Rijksmuseum, and he holds the Rijksmuseum Chair in Conservation Science as a Professor at the University of Amsterdam and the Special Chair for the Visualization of Art History at Radboud University.

Nowadays, due to technological developments, images have become very common data present and accessible through many different medias (TV, camera, Smartphone, tablet and so on).  Consequently, it is more and more common for the scientific community to use images to characterize materials or objects under study at different scales. Heritage is one of the emerging domains that exploit this data. The introduction of the methods developed in the image-processing domain is an important opportunity that offers new possibilities to the cultural heritage world.

The proposed special session, named  “Cultural Heritage and Image Processing” organized within the IPTA 2015, aims to present studies that exploit image as principal data to solve heritage problems. Topics of this special session include (not exhaustive):

    • Heritage preservation (restoration, enhancement, denoising, quality assessment) 

    • Reconstruction and visualization of cultural heritage (data acquisition, 3D representation, virtual representation)

    • Image analysis (pattern recognition, classification, retrieval, segmentation, quantification)

    • Building stones, decorated caves, stained glass windows, statues (wood, stone, metal, ceramic), paintings, textiles, ancient texts, seals…

We expect research groups from various countries that work on topics of image processing related for heritage. In particular, digital heritage is an active part of the European Union agenda and the EU has funded several projects on the topic in the last few years (complete list here: Many research groups from Europe participating in these projects should be interested in the session.We also expect specialists in cultural heritage to attend the session either for presenting their image processing problems or to shop for efficient methods that can be used in there area.


Special Session Chair(s):

Aladine Chetouani, Associate Professor, PRISME, Polytech’Orléans, Université d’Orléans, Orléans, France

David Picard, Associate Professor, ETIS UMR 8051, ENSEA, Cergy-Pontoise, France

Olivier Rozenbaum, Associate Professor, OSUC- ISTO, Université d’Orléans, Orléans, France


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Submission Deadline: May 15th, 2015

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