The indexing methods and visual information retrieval becomes very important in the medical imaging and diagnostic domain. Indeed, many public and private healthcare institutions, generate a growing mass of visual data. In these databases, recognition issues, similarity search, classification arise when we are interested in data mining strategies and applications to aid in diagnosis and therapy. Furthermore, the problems of secure images via internet or intranet, communication difficulties arise when we interested in e-health and telemedicine. In this context, many approaches have been proposed to develop either extraction techniques and description or classification methods and indexing. These approaches can be used in the CAD systems where the image secure communication is considered. Finally, another problem related to the huge volume of data provided by the medical imaging systems is the real time transmission of these data for telemedicine applications, as well as their long term archiving. Data compression can help to solve this problem under the control of a quality of reconstruction compatible with the medical usage of the data.

  • Features extraction
  • Medical databases indexing
  • Recognition strategies in medical images
  • Computer Aided Diagnostic
  • Communication strategies for secure images
  • E-health  
  • Telemedicine
  • Archiving
  • Medical image quality assessment
  • Medical image security (watermarking, encryption, forensics)

Special Session Chair(s):

- Jean Marie Moureaux, Professor,  CRAN Laboratory, Nancy, France

- Khalifa Djemal, Associate Professor, IBISC Laboratory, Evry, France

- William Puech, Profesor, LIRMM Laboratory, Montpellier, France



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Submission Deadline: May 15th, 2015