Edmond Boyer
Senior research scientist
INRIA, Rhône-Aples

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- Title of the talk:
Multi-View Capture of Dynamic Scenes

- Abstract:

Video based acquisition systems allow to fully perceive, in space and over time, shapes that move. The resulting 4D models are of interest in a wide range of applications, from human motion analysis to virtual reality. Some of the fundamental aspects in this domain are how to represent shapes, their deformations and their appearances and how to capture this information from image sequences. In this talk I will discuss and present some of the recent research conducted by the INRIA Morpheo team on these aspects.

- Short biography:

Edmond Boyer is senior researcher at INRIA Grenoble Rhône-Alpes (France) where he leads the Morpheo research team on the capture and the analysis of moving shapes using visual cues. His fields of competence cover computer vision, computational geometry and virtual reality. His current research interests are on 3D dynamic modelling from images and videos, motion perception and analysis from videos, and immersive and interactive environments. Edmond Boyer obtained a PhD in computer science from the Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine in 1996. He started his professional career as a research assistant at the University of Cambridge (UK) in the Department of Engineering. Edmond Boyer joined the INRIA Grenoble Rhône-Alpes in 1998. From 1998 to 2010, he was associate professor of computer science at the university Joseph Fourier part of Grenoble universities. Edmond Boyer is co-founder of the 4DViews company that is specialized in 4D acquisition.