Registration is now open. Go here to register for the conference.

Registration Fees

 Registration fees include attendance at the sessions and tutorials, a copy of the proceedings, coffee breaks, lunches, welcome reception and banquet.



October 15th

October 16th -

November 27th

Regular 675 750 825
Regular IEEE/EURASIP Members 600 675 750
Student 425 500 575
Student IEEE/EURASIP Members 350 425 500
Accompanying Person 250 275 350
Charge for ONE extra paper 300 300 300
Charge for an extra page 75 75 75

Note: All prices are in Canadian dollars.


Registration Rules

Each paper should be registered by at least one author before October 15 2017 to ensure that the paper will be included in the Conference proceedings and indexed by IEEE Xplore.

  • The registration should be done with credit cards. More details about the registration process will be given.

  • For IEEE and EURASIP Members and Students, a proof of membership or student status should be shown at the registration.

  • Papers can have up to 2 extra pages (charge of an extra page: 75$)

  • A same author can register up to 2 papers (charge for the third paper: 300$ )