Session chairs

Friedhelm Schwenker, Ulm University, Germany
Eric Granger, École de technologie supérieure, Canada




Such an interactive companion must be capable of perceiving and interpreting information about the user in order to be able to produce an appropriate response. The proposed special session mainly focuses on image and video processing, pattern recognition, machine learning and information fusion methods for the perception of the user’s affective state, activities and intentions.

The workshop topics include but are not limited to:

  1. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning Algorithms to recognize emotions, activities and intentions
    • Image and video processing
    • Feature extraction, feature selection and feature learning
    • Learning from partially labeled data
    • Learning from sequential data
    • Deep learning architectures
  2. Algorithms to combine information from multiple modalities
    • Information fusion (early, late, intermediate fusion)
    • Multi Classifier Systems and Multi View Classifiers
    • Temporal information fusion
  3. Applications relevant to the workshop
    • Intelligent interaction
    • Assistive systems and companion systems
    • Applications e.g. in healthcare
  4. Datasets and benchmark relevant to the special session topics


Paper Submission

Please submit your full paper choosing the right track on the Conference Management Toolkit (Microsoft’s CMT) site. See Paper Submission for more details. All papers must be written in English and should describe original work. The length of the paper is limited to a maximum of 6 pages (in the standard IEEE conference double column format).


Important dates

Submission Deadline: July 10th  July 24th July 31that 11h59pm pacific time (UTC-7)
Notification of Acceptance: September 30th, 2017
Final Paper Submission: October 15th, 2017